Design to Code Frontend Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

Design to Code Frontend Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

A design. A static picture. Let’s breathe life into it and transform it into a webpage.

Where do you start? And how do you go from there?

When I found myself in this position for the first time, it was not easy. Since then, I’ve crafted a checklist to guide you step-by-step. It includes project setup, HTML markup, CSS coding, font integration, and image implementation. Use this checklist to start from scratch and don’t miss any detail on your way to a high-quality webpage.

Responsive Web Design Explained: From Fixed Width to Fluid and Adaptive Layouts

Responsive Web Design Explained: From Fixed Width to Fluid and Adaptive Layouts

Responsive web design, a cornerstone of modern website development, emerged in 2011, revolutionizing the way websites are built. Join us as we explore its evolution through fixed, fluid, and adaptive layouts. Witness the transformative impact of responsive design as we compare modern websites to their historical counterparts. Explore the similarities and differences between these layout approaches and uncover the enhancements brought forth by responsive design.

Learning Responsive Design: The Missing Ingredient

Learning Responsive Design: The Missing Ingredient

So, you have a good handle on HTML and CSS, but when it comes to Responsive Design, things get a bit tricky. You struggle to make your designs truly responsive: elements overflow, images get distorted, and you can’t figure out why. Sounds familiar? That’s exactly where I was a few months ago. After wrestling with these challenges for a while, I realized it was time to find a course that would give me a solid foundation in Responsive Web Design. As it turned out, there was more to it than just one course… Read on for the full story!

What is DNS and What is Its Purpose?

What is DNS and What is Its Purpose?

DNS stands for the Domain Name System. It’s like a phonebook, but not for phone numbers—it is for Internet addresses. Why did this system have to be invented? Well, computers are made to understand numbers. They are built in such a way that numbers are easier to find, send, or receive than letters, words, or…